This is a big step on my part --- actually writing down my goals, resolutions, pipe dreams, whatever.
It's a big step because every time I return to this entry, I will be reminding myself of where I was on this date and what I wanted to do with my life at this time. Ten years from now, some of these things may seem irrelevant or even silly. They may be disappointing. Heck, ten years from now, I may not even still be writing or using this site.
I do believe in the power of resolve, however. I think making lists helps keep one focused --- I love Martin Luther King's phrase, "Keep your eyes on the prize." So here goes:
(1) I want to get myself financially solvent. I spent the 1990s accumulating debts and now have the lousiest credit rating this side of Haiti. My husband/partner/spouse/whatever, Robert, could have his picture taken and put next to the phrase "books in order." So could my mother. I want to be like them and know what I own and how much I'm worth.
(2) I want to move my belongings accumulated during my 25 years of marriage to Joy Hartman out of the storage building they're at in Ashland, Ohio, throw away what is no longer relevant or useful and merge the rest into my life with Robert.
(3) I want my son, Jonathan, to continue college and eventually move into his own place. I want him to build his own circle of friends and fully enjoy what is life is meant to be.
(4) I want to finish my own college degree that I started back in 1976.
(5) I want to keep up the writing goals that I've set for myself: Blogs, short stories, long fiction, drama, correspondence.
(6) I want to make myself healthier: Eat better, lower my blood sugar, keep my legs strong, stay alive. I would dearly love to have buns of steel, a gut like a surfboard, and arms like a stevedore and be able to walk through a crowd of straight men and have them all turn gay at the very site of my beauty, but I will settle for healthy.
(7) I want to read the books I own and hold off, as much as I can, on buying new ones until I can make room for them.
(8) I want to form a local chapter of Parents, Friends and Families of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG).
(9) I want to work toward gay-friendly candidates being elected to all public offices, including the White House.
(10) I want my relationship with Robert to continue to grow, so that every anniversary, every holiday, every day that we spend together will be the best one yet.
Gulp. More than I can chew? I hope not. We'll see.
Monday, December 24, 2007
More Than I Can Chew?
5:59 AM
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